Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Notice anything?

I decided to change up the colors on the blog. A friend told me she was having a hard time reading the post because the background was so dark. I thought maybe she wasn't the only one and I like change anyway. As evidence in the constant changing hairstyles. I hope you guys like the new look!

Happenings in Tracy world today....
Birthday planning, the big 5 is coming! I think a gymnastics party will do the trick.

Cooking, and planning and more planning. You girls know what I'm talking about! I have stumbled upon 'Homemade Gourmet'. After much deliberation I have decided to place an order and go for it. It's basically spices that come with several recipes. It does all the meal planning for you. I'll let you know how it goes!

I started a new book today, Sue Grafton's T is for Trespass. I've only read the first few pages and whew, that girl can write!

Blessings to all,

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