Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thanks God!

I'm loving today's sunshine and warmth! I like to think that God did that just for me. He heard my whining yesterday and decided to grant my wish. It's hard to believe that tonight it will be raining and in the 30's; and they are predicting snow for the weekend! Right now I'm trying to be more about "being in the moment". To that end, Nathan and I will be outside until it gets cold again! This weekend will actually be great too, because then I can enjoy a nice fire in the living room.

Off the subject here, but really what is the subject anyway? So, Nathan has these stories that he tells with his dad every night around bedtime. They are hilarious! I am going to have to try and write the one they tell tonight down, and post it. They are always about an elephant named Arnold who loves ice cream. Nathan doesn't like ice cream, but really he doesn't like anything and that's a whole other bag of worms. So, moving on....Nathan is now asking for a baby sister. A what? That's right a baby sister. He said he really wants Joseph to come home so that he can be with his brother and play. Then he said but let's have Joseph and "let's adopt a baby girl". How funny is it that he uses the word "adopt". I found that so interesting for some reason. Of course, my heart's desire is to certainly adopt more, but God will have to move in that area. I will confess that I had been asking Nathan how he would feel if he had another sibling in the house. I'm sure that was on his mind, but the sister part was all him. I'm off to go get the squirt from school. Today is ice day. (you know, the sugar ice)


Jennifer Goodwin said...

Hey! That's hilarious about the baby sister! Who knows what God has up His sleeve?!?! I think that kids are more spiritual than we are (they're pure), and he may have something there. Just don't be surprised. Remember when I told Graham and Drew we were having a third (later found out fourth) baby? I asked Graham what he wanted, a brother or sister. He goes, "Mommy, you're not having one baby, you're having 2 babies!" I kid you not, you may not remember, but when I found out a few weeks later it was twins, I just about died right there. So, I said that to say, who knows? He may be onto something!

What is ice day? And what is sugar ice? I sometimes think I am clueless. Love to you all! Hugs and kisses from us in Collierville!

tim said...

I had to post a comment in response to Jennifer's question. What is an ICE? Read it just like I type it and see if you can figure it out....


now, think of pure sugar and kids. Oh and Nathan's favorite is red! Got it now?


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.