Friday, March 14, 2008

St. Patrick's fun

I had the privilege of helping in Nathan's classroom this morning. What a morning! Since the kids are on spring break next week, the school decided to celebrate St. Patrick's day today. Nathan's teacher "trashed" their classroom, and left green paint EVERYWHERE. We pretended that a leprechaun had been to the school and left this HUGE mess for all of them to clean up. He was nice enough to leave gold behind for all the kids. It was chocolate gold, so you can imagine how well that went over! These kids were hilarious when they saw their classroom for the first time this morning. Keep in mind, there are 20 four year olds in this class. We were all having a wonderful time finding everything the leprechaun left behind, until some of the kids got a little freaked out. One little girl cried for a minute, we explained to her that it was a friendly leprechaun and that's why he left chocolate behind. Then she decided she liked him again and all was well. You gotta love 4 year olds! It is such a great season of life.

I had a great time with them! They all put a big smile on my face, I was cracking up.


Anonymous said...

You are a brave Mom!
You are making wonderful memories , for Nathan and his friends, So glad your life choices , have given you oprtunies like this .
One of thease days , I will have to be in town , and have lunch with Nathan at his School.

Jennifer Goodwin said...

Isn't that great? Helping at your kids' school? I totally live for stuff like that! You should be the room mom next may be this year, I don't know how involved the preschool program is there, but if not, give it a shot! It is SO MUCH FUN!!!! I remember when Drew was in Kindergarten, girl I had 2 cd's full of his kindergarten class! I love being the room mom. So far I've been one every year, usually for both, but this year, I'm only Drew's. Next year may be a little difficult, but I'll still do it for the little ones. Hope you have an awesome weekend!

Anonymous said...

I was at school that day too! I had a meeting though :-( Did you hear that either Kindergarten or 1st grade...don't remember which...set a trap to catch the leprechaun and he left behind a snip of his boxer shorts! Black with green clovers on them :-) Fun times at school!


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