Tuesday, March 11, 2008


In Nathan's overwhelming excitement to see his daddy coming home from work, he ran right into our dining room column! Full force! If you know Nathan at all, you can imagine how hard he hit the column. His head must have hit the corner of the column and he ended up with a huge gash. When I heard the scream and then saw the blood running down his neck, I'll admit I was a little freaked out. Tim and I were able to get him calmed down enough to get in the car, emergency room here we come! He was totally fine by the time we got to the hospital, he was telling the nurse exactly what happened and how. He's so funny. We finally got back to see the doctor and everyone kept talking about how laid back he was. They all said I wish all the kids were like this! I kept telling them, well just wait. So the time came for the stitches, they decided staples were best for him because it would be the fastest. The laid back Nathan went out the window! My poor baby!!! I have never heard the poor child scream quit like that. It was so painful to watch. Luckily they were right, and it was over pretty quick. Of course, Tim and I had the whole guilt thing going once we got home. We wished we had told him it was going to hurt and we wished we had held him while they did it. In the moment though you just aren't thinking straight and you really are looking to the doctor to guide you! So I'll just be mad at them instead! Anyway, we all survived and that's what counts. He gets to stay home with Mom today and get spoiled. Although, he is very anxious to go to school and show everyone his 3 staples in his head.

Thank you God for being with us last night!


Jennifer Goodwin said...

You hit it on the head when you said ouch! That poor thing! I will admit, that the times I have been around Nathan, I am surprised he's made it this long without stitches! I love that sweet boy dearly, but I will admit, he makes me nervous, running around, and seeing how close he comes to objects that are standing still! Talk about an accident waiting to happen! Although Drew is a bit like a bull in a china shop, he's very careful! So are my other ones! So, you guys get the prize for having the first MAJOR boo~boo! I am shocked that in nine years, we've never had to have a trip to the emergency room for something like that. And with 4 boys, no less! Now, we have had other trips, for things like breathing problems, but not stitches. Staples?! Why didn't they use glue or stitches? Staples sounds incredibly painful. But the only staples I've ever seen were in Todd's tummy post~surgery, so maybe these are different. Don't I know about the guilt thing. Rest assured, we all would do things differently if we had the chance to re~do them, but it sounds like he was very brave and did awesome! Tell him we love him and we hope his boo~boo feels better soon. We'll be praying for him. Give him our love and kisses and hugs. And you too, Mom and Dad. You guys are awesome parents, don't ever doubt yourself! I love you all!

Jen said...

Well, at least he's got cool staples to show his friends at school :) Give him a big hug from us!


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.