Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nothing but time...

Easter is right around the corner. Yippie! PGN in Guatemala will be closed starting tomorrow through next Tuesday for easter week. Maybe next week will be our week! I have a couple of friends who have gotten good news this week! In the meantime Nathan and I are taking full advantage of spring break this week. Nothing to do but pass the time, and sometimes that's pretty nice. Yesterday, we had an awesome PAJAMA DAY! Today, we plan to be outside A LOT. It is very nice here. We are headed to have a picnic with Tim at lunch. Who knows what else we will find ourselves doing. I'm also starting a new knitting project this week, hurray! Speaking of knitting, I'm thinking of doing special knitting projects and selling them. This will be in an effort to finish paying for the rest of our adoption. If anyone wants to talk to me about possibly placing an order of a specific item, email me- tracy.goodwin@yahoo.com I'm thinking baby blankets, luvies, baby booties, bibs, whatever you guys want. Full size blankets are also possible. I know at Christmas I had several happy family members with blankets! If you know of someone who might be interested send them my info. I'm off to picnic!


Jennifer Goodwin said...

Hey girl! I am feeling your title...nothing but time! It is pretty here today, too, and as I am writing this, I hear all of my boys, plus Nate~Drew's friend, playing cars. I was in their way, so I came upstairs to make beds. We should definitely take advantage of the time God has given us to enjoy our kiddos. I'm glad we're on the same track! I miss you guys...any thoughts on coming home anytime soon? I would love to be able to spend time at the park playing and having a picnic with you guys. We thought about coming there, but money has been tight and I don't know if you would want all the likes of us to impose upon you. We are quite a crew. Just thinking about you guys, and praying like always, that this will be the week. I don't understand God's timing, but I know He's got a plan. We'll know it soon, hopefully. I love you all and miss you like crazy. =)

Tracy said...

Of course of course of course, we would love to have all of you here!!! Please don't ever question that. You guys are ALWAYS welcome at our home. The gas is a budget killer for us too!


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.