Friday, September 5, 2008

Gray day...

The grocery game. Several of you emailed me privately to ask about this. I'll tell you what I know so far, keep in mind that I just signed up for it. On her website she said it takes a cycle of about 12 weeks to get the FULL effect of the benefits. On my very first grocery tripping adventure I saved 60+ dollars. I don't know that I'll save that much every time, but it is certainly enough savings to keep at it for a while. I will let you guys know. Also, I think if you do sign up for it there is a place to put in who referred you. If you think of me and want to me in there please do.

Today is gray and rainy. I actually love days like this. Although there is a limit. The sound of the rain and gray skies are so relaxing. Right now though I've got to get moving, because there is a teddy bear lunch at Nathan's school today. He is very excited about it, so I've got to get all the picnic stuff ready and head to the school.

Still no word from the attorney on our birth certificate. Hoping to hear something very soon though.

1 comment:


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.