Thursday, March 12, 2009


Why is it necessary to have horrible mornings? I believe God has a purpose and plan in everything that happens. Even the silliest of things matter. So, what was God's purpose in me and my 2 boys struggling to make it through the morning rush??? I mean whoow. Maybe He wanted to make sure He had my attention for the rest of the day. He's got it. So, first thing Nathan comes in my bed snuggles up and starts in "my head hurts, I can't go to school." Mom says "sorry your head hurts, we have tylenol, you are going to school." Mom is thinking in her head "oh how I wish you could stay home with me today, sniffle sniffle." Truth is I have a doctor's appointment today so I needed him to go to school. Probably good because I might have caved otherwise. Moving on, Dad is still home so both boys aimlessly follow him around. I look at the clock and realize we are 30 minutes behind schedule! Dad had decided "sure Nathan turn on the TV." WRONG!! So it took Nathan and extra 15 minutes to get dressed. Remember we are already behind. I am frantically making lunch, and breakfast with the last bit of supplies. It's also grocery time. I realize Nathan didn't feed the fish before he came downstairs, I sent him upstairs for that and to brush his teeth before he eats. The whole time Joseph is yelling "mom, eat. mom, eat. mom, eat. mom, eat. mom eat." So I tell Nathan HURRY! As I'm packing the lunch, I remembered Nathan saying he didn't bring home his lunch box because his drink spilled in it yesterday. So now I have to fashion something as a lunch box that I can put an ice pack in, but still have separation for the little crackers that are his entree. The next moment I hear "MOM, COME HERE QUICK!" I yelled up "what happened?" He answers, "ummm I spilled." GREAT. I go up to his room, and yeah almost an entire container fish food is on his floor. To top it off, he had also been looking for his belt so his dresser drawers were open. Yes, the fish food not only was on the floor, but all in his drawers and clothes. So, I get all of that cleaned out. I'm not happy by this time. I finally did get the boys downstairs and fed. Then they wanted to sit in the floor and watch TV. So I decided to let them. Nathan finished first, of course. So he was already sitting in the center of floor watching TV when Joseph went into the living room. Joseph walks in and very bully like says "Nathan MOVE." Nathan moves over. So I tell Joseph, no Nathan is just sitting in the floor you sit beside him. Joseph proceeds with a crying fit. You can imagine how fond of those I am. He finally stops and sits beside Nathan. (well, beside almost on top of :) A few minutes later it's time to get in the car and go to school. I left out the part where I spilled milk all over the kitchen counter while packing lunch. Anyway, Nathan goes to put on his shoes and says OUCH, these shoes have shrunk. We'll shop for a new pair this weekend, just wear them for today. Thankfully he says, "ok, I'll be fine." Ahh a nice answer. I definitely remembered that song about motherhood that lady sang. It's funny, if you haven't seen this TRUST ME it's worth the click.  The Mom Song

So now that I've seen it all typed out, I guess it wasn't so bad afterall. It was just not our norm. Our mornings are usually very smooth and peaceful, mommy likes it that way:) Actually like most things, I blame Tim. He forgot to set up the coffee maker last night. That REALLY throws things off balance and the Goodwin house. If I can't wake up to a fresh hot cup of Joe, I'm just ruined!! Ruined I tell you.


Phyllis said...

I love to hear about your days with my boys! It makes me really want to see them. It won't be too long. I'm sure after this morning the day has to improve so that's something to look forward to.
Bunches of love.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... I LOVE the MOM SONG!!! Is this what I have to look forward to??? :) I hope this morning was a little better for you than yesterday. Hugs!


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.