Tuesday, January 15, 2008

today's lunch

OK. So that is how many of the conversations about my day goes. Today was different. I even called home to tell her about my lunch. Today I had lunch with the one, the only, the legend, George Jones. Well, I didn't really have lunch with him as much as he sat at the table next to me and we struck up some conversation. I will say that we were closer than I have been to people at other restaurants with big booths. We do live in a city with many celebs and we see them out fairly often. This is the first time I have had a conversation with one. Had anyone else sat down, I probably would have just sat there and not cared, but I really like George Jones' music. His influence can be heard in many of the artists I like. It went something like this (sitting in meat & three, near the door, on a cold day):

G.J.: This place should be bigger. (That's right. He started talking first.)
T.G.: I know. It would be really great if that door was further away.
G.J.: We wouldn't be as cold that way.
T.G.: Good food though.
G.J.: I think they could have moved that wall further out more.
T.G.: With food like this they will have to be in a bigger space soon. Bacon in green beans is a wonderful thing.
G.J. (speaking to both my lunch companion and me): I like this kind of food. You guys may already know about this, but you should try "Old Glory" greens. They are seasoned just right. The best greens in a can.
Lunch companion hops in and talks about them. He has had them quite a bit before. In my head I am screaming that I cannot believe I am sitting talking to George Jones about greens!
G.J.'s wife: He is on blood thinner and has to stay away from the greens, but he cheats.
T.G.: My wife is on it too, but she cheats. Her problem is that she self medicates and figures she can just adjust her meds.

The conversation went on for a little while more. Very nice and down-to-earth folks. Normally, I would not be this excited since famous people are just people, but it is George Jones after all.

How was my day you ask? Fine.


Jennifer Goodwin said...

That is so cool! I will admit that Phyllis had to tell me who George Jones was. I'm not into country legends...and once she said who it was, I knew immediately. I had a blond moment. Those are coming more and more frequently. But that is so cool!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool that they were talking about their meds..funny.


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