Monday, January 21, 2008

Panic turns to PRAISES!

We were out of town and received an urgent email from our adoption agency. The agency stated that our attorney was trying to get our case registered at the civil registry and needed our passport numbers. For those who aren't aware, all cases that are being processed in Guatemala now MUST be registered through the new civil registry before they can proceed with their adoption. There is a deadline to get these pending cases registered. Which is where the panic set in. I'm 4 hours away from my passport. I called the agency, no answer. I decided to call a neighbor who was able to get into my house and get the passports for us. I quickly emailed the info to our agency and asked for them to let me know that they got it. NEVER got a response! I spent the whole day in knots wondering what was going on. All of this happened around 11:00am this morning. Fast forward, it's almost 9:00pm and we are just getting home. Tim turns on the computer to check our email. The director of our adoption agency had written back and said, she was not at home due to a medical emergency. She obviously had not gotten the needed info to our attorney. I told Tim that I was going to take a risk and call the attorney tonight. I looked up the number and had her on the phone in a matter of seconds. She was so friendly!!! I apologized for calling so late, and she said NO I am so glad that you called because I have good news for you!! At this point, I'm already in tears! She said the signatures were a match and my investigation is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise you Jesus! She is taking all the necessary information to PGN tomorrow and we'll see what they say! We may be starting over from the beginning, but starting over never felt so good! On the other hand, we may be able to get final approval and not have to start the approval process completely over. We won't know until after tomorrow! Keep praying, God is listening. The attorney told me, you hang in there Tracy! She also was able to take the passport information from me directly and we will be registered tomorrow with the civil registry.

Thank you God! Glory to your name!


Jen said...

What a story!!! Good to hear the investigation is over. Amen to that. We'll be sending good thoughts your way that the approval process goes quickly! -Jen & Jeff

Jennifer Goodwin said...

I am so excited for you guys!!!! I will DEFINITELY be praying...please keep me posted!!! Love you!



To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.