Friday, December 5, 2008


"Jesus is the reason for the season" and "Christ is the most important part of CHRISTmas" are two phrases that get said many times during this season.  The best thing about them is they are true!  Without the birth of Jesus, we would have no reason to celebrate.  Because of our very sinful natures, we would simply be wandering souls without reason.  But, due to the gift of Jesus, we know why and what this season is all about.

The more years that pass, the more I am less enamoured with "stuff."  Don't get me wrong, I still like my toys and nice things; I just want fewer of them.  I understand more why my dad is so hard to buy for.  There are some things he would like, but it is more important to him that his family is happy and whole.  I understand that one of the best gifts for him is seeing his kids and grandkids.  The trouble is we tend to get swept up in the gift part.  Spend more money to show your love.  At least that is what the retailers want us to believe.  If you really love them, you will give a new 60" plasma.  Or the latest ipod.  Or the hottest whatchamahavit on the market.

Taking the easy way out, I told my parents just to get some clothes for me.  Oh, I really can use them (I know my mom read this), but that is simply to fill up some holes in my closet.  Seriously mom, I need them.  

I have found myself desiring more of the things that shows someone knows and loves me.  It doesn't have to cost much.  It really doesn't have to cost anything.  Just put some thought and love into it.  I am happy and thankful just knowing that both of my boys now live under my roof, that my wife is still in love with me and I with her, and that the rest of my family has been spared total devestation for another year.    

Don't take this to mean that those who love to give big gifts or get them are bad.  That is not what I am saying here.  I am just asking you to take some time in the middle of all of the crazy this year to think about the gifts with which God has blessed you.  Your family?  A job you love?  A good friend?  The fact that someone one the street took time to smile at you on your bad day?  A warm home?  Thank God for it and the best gift we have ever received, one that can never be topped by a 60GB super-duper high-speed shiny red phimelfarb, Jesus.


Phyllis said...

As I wipe the tears from my eyes I want you to know how proud I am of you! You are so right just being with our family is the best gift of all! (and pictures of course) I love you.

Tracy said...

You said it! It is such a thrill to finally have our boys together for Christmas. May we ALL experience the joy that Christ gives, for Christmas and always.

Love you babe!


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.