Monday, December 15, 2008

From the little lady (that's me:)

Tis the be AMAZED.  Since my husband hasn't had much time to post, I thought I would post what's been rolling around in my head.  Many of you have asked me for updates on how I am adjusting as Joseph's new mother.  Here is where I am.....

I am still amazed that Joseph is home.  He is learning new things every day.  He is getting better and better at learning our language.  He is learning the rules of the house, some he likes more than others.  He and Nathan are starting to learn to work together and have fun!  We are all learning what it's like to be a family of 4.  I'm learning that having two kids is awesome!!! Cleaning up after two kids, not so much.  It is amazing at how much of a difference it makes in the laundry alone!  :)  I'm not complaining, merely commenting.  How could I complain, I rarely do it!  If I open a drawer and realize oops, I have no clean socks, I decide to wash a load. Those of you who know me, know this is not how I normally operate.  I can't remember the last time I made up my bed.  That's right, I'm admitting it, putting it all out there for the world to see.  The funny thing is, it doesn't really bother me.  Too much anyway.  Now, Tim on the other hand.....well I guess I'll let him speak for himself.  
On to more amazing things.....Tim and I have grown even closer over the last year.  We have weathered yet another storm of life, lived to talk about it, and hopefully bring glory to God through it.  Joseph is a great example of God making the impossible, POSSIBLE.  Especially the way Joseph has blended in with our family.  That was a big answer to prayer.  Not to say we didn't have rough patches in the beginning.  On occassion, we still have rough patches. Life isn't perfect, but only heaven is.  I also have to say that I have friend who has waited 3 1/2 years to bring home their little girl from Guatemala.  THEY ARE NOW IN GUATEMALA picking up their sweet daughter, N----!!!  Congrats guys!  Again, God doing the impossible.

As we are preparing for Christmas, I feel immensly blessed by our families and friends.  I have had the best time getting everyone's gifts.  Wrapping them up and picturing their faces when they open them really puts me in the spirit of Christmas!  Not to mention all my holiday baking!!!  Can you say.....peppermint bark?!  This is a big year for Nathan and santa.  He is very into it this year, so that has been alot of fun. He has enjoyed helping Dad shop for "his person." Nathan has kept his Dad's secret and not revealed the name of the person he is buying for.  I have thoroughly enjoyed that new little tradition this year.  

We just can't wait to be with all of our extended family this year!!  It certainly is a special year to celebrate!  

Who's watching Charlie Brown tonight???  


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To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.