Saturday, April 25, 2009

Great day / Theory of a six-year-old

Mowed the yard in the beautiful weather.  

Went to the book sale at the library and picked up a load of books for only $8.  

Headed to Franklin Festival and saw a race car at the BP on the way.  Turns out it is some sort of promo car.  The boys got to play in it and Nathan got to play this very, very cool racing game.  The graphics were so real!

Had a great time and some lunch at the Franklin Festival.

On the way home, we stopped by Tractor Supply for a fundraiser car wash for the niece of a friend going on a misson trip.  Car cleaned and gave to a worthy cause.  While at the store, we went inside and saw some baby chicks.  Luckily for us it was "Demo Day" so I got to take the boys around for some laps in a go cart.  They were stoked!

When we got home we chilled for a bit and then headed outside to play in the glorious sunshine.  Nathan played in the sprinkler with the kids down the street and I did some more yard maintenance.  


After dinner, Nathan and I started changing out the sprayer on the kitchen sink only to realize the old one is a proprietary one and the clip broke when I was taking it off.  So, off to Lowe's.  No luck at Lowe's so off to The Home Depot.  No luck there either.  Looks like we will need a whole new faucet in there. 

All of that to get to this.  While Nathan and I were leaving Lowe's, he says to me, "Dad, you know how Sprout and work together?  Well, Lowe's and Home Depot should work together.  I mean, look at all of these supplies!  They both have the same supplies so they should just do it.  Work together."

I tried to give him a short primer on competition, but he still thought they should work together.  Then, at The Home Depot, he goes into a monologue on the company colors of The Home Depot, Lowe's and Target.  He does not like the orange that is everywhere at THD.  Just do you know, his favorite corporate color is Target's red.  Also, he is very against the "THE" before "Home Depot."  Nathan thinks it should only be called "Home Depot."  He said, "THE before it really doesn't sound right."  The kid really likes Lowe's.

That is it.  Brought him home and put him to bed.

Great day.



Phyllis said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day and I enjoyed hearing about it all. My boy, Nathan is a deep thinker! Makes you wonder what all is in that little head of his. I am very proud of him.
Bunches of love.

tim said...

Mimi, oh the things that go on inside that head! God has big things for that little one. I wanted to write and say YES we had a FABULOUS day!! I love warm weather and weekends :)

Tracy said...

it said Tim posted the above comment but it was ME, Tracy.


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.