Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Creative Soul...

I am driving my husband crazy.  He says I have too many "outlets."  I say he doesn't have enough. So what if I jump from this to that, expressing my love hate relationship with all things creative.  Alright, so if I were to be totally honest here I drive myself nuts!!  I need more hours in the day for loving on my kids, sewing, photography, reading, knitting, violin, cooking, art, and cleaning the house.  Although that last one, I would certainly not call a hobby.  I can't help it, I have this unquenchable urge to create.  There is magic and fulfillment in making something out of nothing. Unfortuanetly I wish my talents matched my desires, as of now they do not!  I stumbled upon someone else's devotional blog the other day.  On this blog I read about how we come from the ultimate "creator."  Maybe this urge within me is straight from above, and I should fully surrender.  At least that is the story I'm telling my husband!  Maybe that will give me the much needed grace I always seem to need from him!

To all my fellow creative souls, have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You creat!
You do it all so very well!
I can't wait to see what you are into next, as I have benifted lots from your creations.
Dad and I were just talking today, about what a sweet and special child you were. I said ,you
were the type of child that enjoyed your parents back then, you loved hanging at home.
Love you ,Beautiful,


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