Thursday, September 4, 2008


I am overwhelmed at times by God's goodness. There seems to always be two sides to every story. Such is our life. On the one side, we have so many great exciting things happening. Things that get you up out of bed, with a smile on your face. On the other side, we have some scary things happening. Things that cause stress and make it hard to close your eyes at night. We have friends who are celebrating life, we have friends who are barely making it through the day. As I said, such is life. One constant through the up times and the down times is always God's goodness. It is always there, even in the times that seem so dark and impossible. I am so thankful to serve a loving God.

Happenings at the Goodwin house:
Nathan continues to amaze me everyday with how much he is learning and growing up. I almost hate it when he gets out of the car to go into school in the mornings, because I know he'll come back changed in the afternoon. I am so proud of him. I hope I'm raising him well!!!! I don't want to screw him up!

Tim started his new position at work this week. He is awesome and I know he's going to kick butt!! That's right, I said it I'm not ashamed.

Me, well it's the same o' same o' still trying to take over the world one dust bunny at a time. I've also started "the grocery game" this week. It supposedly cuts your grocery bill in half. We'll see. So far so good. If anyone else wants to check it out visit

I haven't heard back from our Guatemalan attorney yet on the status of the Birth Certificate. However, we should be receiving it this week if RENAP keeps their word. Big "if" there. I will certainly post as soon as I get updates.
God Bless You All!!


Bentley Family said...

You know how I love my coupons! Let me know if you like the grocery game--I have been too cheap to try it!

Phyllis said...

I have read about the grocery game and wondered too. Let me know if it works.
Bunches of love.


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.