Sunday, March 9, 2008


On Saturday morning we woke up to a wonderously beautiful site: snow! It was great. I had been obsessing on the internet watching the radar as it blew in. I was expecting the snow line to fall apart and it be a big non-event. However, it was certainly an event! We had a blast playing in it and having snowball fights. Sadly, it was almost entirely gone by the evening. Now, only the shadiest part of the yard (tough area so we don't go into that part ;)) has any snow left. After we came back in, I built a fire and we spent most of the day playing inside in front of it. We did get out to the new Super Target they have built here in The Hill. Target rocks.

Nathan could not wait to get out into the snow.

Tra and Nathan checking out how deep it is.

This was probably the deepest part around the house on the northeast corner. Weird since the snow came in from the southwest.

Again, on the northeast side of the house.
The monkey and I getting ready to pelt Tra with some snowballs.

I will add a few others later.

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1 comment:

Mamita J said...

Fun! Fun ! Fun!

I loved our snow, but now I'm ready for spring!

And a baby sister? Hmmm...



To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.