Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My private thoughts...

Alright, so the pictures have nothing to do with the post but I know how you guys love the pics! The other little boy and girl in the first two pictures are Nathan's cousins that came for a fun time this weekend. We loved seeing my brother and my parents this weekend! Nathan and Braddock were too cute serenading us! In case you are wondering, Nathan was singing "California Stars" and Braddock was singing "Jesus loves me". Never a dull moment with little ones.
So, on to the real post. I'm ready for the winter to go. Although, another season changing does represent the passing of time. I'm soon to be a year older, and so is Nathan. Which that is just part of life, right? It is something to celebrate! However, I am overwhelmed with sadness as I'm painfully aware that Joseph is soon to be a year older too. This will be our 2nd birthday to miss with him. The important thing is that we won't miss the whole rest of his life, I pray. It is after all, just a day in the year. I hope I'm not depressing anyone, I think the weather is getting the best of me! I really need some warm sunshine.

All the trust and faith I can muster, I leave in the hands of my heavenly father. I leave you encouraged and anxious to see how God will work miracles for my family in this coming year.


Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

I can't imagine what you are feeling!! I am praying for you and your sweet boy so much this morning. Lord, please bring him home soon!! You are such an example to me of patience and endurance!


Jamie said...

this is so cool, I can't believe you do this. Now I can ck up on you anytime. I was looking thru my address bar and there it was, I guess from Tim using my computer while u guys were here. By the way we had a great time. We should do it again soon. I hope Nate's head is better...I had no idea. Give him kisses!!!
Love ya,


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.