Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It is an absolutely beautiful day outside!  I am so in love with the breeze and sunshine.  Which made me think how great it is that sitting outside enjoying it, is always FREE.  Those of you on facebook saw my status.  We aren't really taking a true vacation this summer; but sitting outside today made me think of all the things that God blesses us with that are FREE.  

Some of you were a bit confused on my random ramblings in my earlier post.  I'm not here to explain it.  Those who understood it or just want to hear more....here is where I am now....

I can't do many things.  I do aspire to do many things. I am a dreamer, always have been.  I always am the one who comes up with the BIG IDEA.  Following through, on the other hand, well that might be a different story.  BUT, I am determined to follow through on this.  I am praying that God help me figure it all out!  This ministry http://amazima.org/ I learned about it through this blog www.kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com  I desperately want to do something to help. If I had my way I would be pursuing an adoption right now to give one of these kids a true home and family that could love them.  BUT, that is not where God has us right now.  So, something I CAN do is cook.  Cooking is one of my true passions in life.  I am going to be selling some baked goods to try and raise money for amazima.  Pray with me.  I don't know if this is the thunder God was speaking to me through the other day or not.  We shall see.  I will post more details as I get things figured out.  

Random Goodwin boy stuff:  (I know how you all love them :)
Joseph asked me "why Mom?" for the first time yesterday.  I know that might sound odd to be excited about, but that is a true skill he has accomplished there.  We were so proud and yet so scared at the same time.  

Nathan BEGGED me to let him "just get a tardy" at school today so he could watch his favorite TV show this morning.  (didn't happen)



Gwen Oatsvall said...

thanks for the post on Katie ... and I like your idea and will try and come up w/ all the fundraisers and explain how to best accomplish your fundraising goals ... it is hard work, but so worth it !!!

Tracy said...

Yeah! How excited am I? I just got a comment from www.oatsvallteam.blogspot.com ! I love this girl's heart.


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.