Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!

I apologize for the long delay in posting, it is good to be missed though! Thanks for the emails from everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. We had an amazing time and were not ready to come back to regular life! Ginny, if you're reading I have to tell you, Nathan constantly sings "ho ho ho who wouldn't go." Speaking of Ginny, notice the picture above. Ginny took plastic cups and duct tape to make binoculars for all the kids at Papa Max and Granna's house. Now that's what I call creative and cheap, I love it!! Too bad she doesn't live here! This was such an awesome year to celebrate Christmas with Nathan. He was able to participate in some of the games played at the Jones house and BOY was he ready for Santa! He was a good boy this year so Santa left him some wonderful toys. I must have been a good girl too!

Like I said it is been hard for me to get back in the swing of regular life. Nathan started school yesterday and I felt so sad! He's already right back in the swing of things though, he didn't miss a beat.

So, let me share with you how we spent the New Year.....

Current coffee maker died..... it was a sad sad sad day. We're still in mourning. She'd been good to us. It wasn't her fault, many before her haven't made it through the Goodwin house past the two year mark. May she rest in peace. Onward we must go! Tim and Tracy MUST have their cup of Joe in the mornings. It's vital to the success of the marriage. So, we were in hot pursuit of the "perfect cup of coffee."

There was actually another contender that got taken back to the store. It was before we started to see the humor in all of this and thought to take photos. As you can see above, we conducted a very intense and precise taste test. We set up the coffee at the exact same time, we hit the "go" simultaneously. We had our cups sitting out, with colored spoons to tell which cup came from what machine. Then, we drank. We looked at each other, we drank again. We both looked at each other and smiled, we had our new family member!

Ding! Ding! Ding! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!
So what made this one the winner you might say? We were absolutely AMAZED, by how they tasted EXACTLY the same. This one won because it was the cheapest of the three we tried! HA!

I'm still laughing about this! You just should have seen this production in person. Anyway, it was entertaining I guess.

Here are some Christmas pictures from our time with family.

Christmas morning

Sorry Mike, I had to post this! Please don't be mad! You are too funny.



Jennifer Goodwin said...

You two are crazy and therefore perfect for each other, in case you had any doubt! You know they say that whatever you spend the first day of the new year doing is what you'll be doing for the rest of the year! Ha ha ha...my coffee pots don't last much longer than 2 years either...maybe we drink too much!


Phyllis said...

I have been checking and checking your blog looking for something new. You had spoiled us by being so quick before. I love the pictures and look forward to coming to see you to try some of the good coffee in the cheap maker! Tell my baby Mimi loves him!!


To those of you who have given financially to help complete our family and give Joseph a home, there are not words to describe our gratitude. Simply know that you will forever be a part of our family, and we thank God for you.